1.Modern applications need to be easy to use, data rich, and provide access anywhere, anytime.
2.The company's ID management system is designed to provide access to resources and allow them to get job-related information that you want.
3.The Portal is a core component of the Bank's new climate initiative and will also provide access to rainfall and temperature information.
4.On the road new systems will be able to pinpoint your car on an onboard computer which will provide access to road and traffic information.
5.The distributor plate can be separable from the system or openable to provide access for removal of obstructions and for maintenance.
6.The next step is to add a proxy endpoint to provide access to an application within the system from outside the system.
7.As you know, you can also provide access-control lists.
8.When used in an expression, these collections provide access to report properties and data determined dynamically during report processing.
9.We were able to take advantage of the ClearQuest Web tool to provide access to our distributed team.
10.These have been skilfully integrated with the requirements of Conductive Education to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum.